August Bebel,German Social Democrat leader in the 19th Century, described left-wing anti-Semitism as the "socialism of fools", to note the ideological distortion that gave rise to such prejudice. While this blog will address anti-Semitism, it will also address other expressions of modern left-wing thought - particularly the anti-Americanism and anti-Zionism crusading as "anti-Imperialism" - which indicate a similarly profound distortion from their original progressive intent.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Here's my reply, published in today's Philadelphia Inquirer, to an op-ed by Naif al-Mutawa.

Here's his op-ed:

And my reply:

Text below:

Naif al-Mutawa's op-ed ("The many shapes of extremism," April 8) advances the erroneous notion that extremism is equally distributed among the three major faiths.

While it is important to stress that the overwhelming majority of Muslims are not terrorists, the overwhelming majority of terrorist acts - according to data published online by the National Counter-Terrorism Center - committed by those inspired by religion are indeed (Sunni) Muslim.

While I understand that many well-meaning Americans would cringe at the suggestion that terrorists are far more likely to be Muslim than Jew, or Christian, the problem with extremism in our time is the radical, violent manifestations of specific faith traditions. Empirical data should never take a back seat to feel-good assumptions and platitudes.

At stake isn't merely the intrinsic value of truth and accuracy but, more specifically, the broader truism that we can't rally the civilized world to win a war - militarily or morally - against an enemy that we're not allowed to name.

Adam Levick

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